About Us

We use the most advanced equipment

We have recently upgraded our training equipment and use the latest and most advanced CPR Manikins and AED trainers on the market. By upgrading our equipment, our students are able to practice critical skills on life-like manikins and receive the best learning experience in the area.

Our new manikins are equipped with a revolutionary new CPR Rate Monitor that allows for instant feedback to both instructor and student regarding the rate of chest compressions. The visual feedback from the CPR Rate Monitor gives students a real life feel of delivering 100 compressions per minute.

In addition to the visual rate monitor, students will also hear a clicker sound as the chest is pushed to the appropriate depth allowing them to experience the true force needed to deliver real life chest compressions.

Professionally sanitized

All of our equipment is professionally sanitized before and after each class by using a rigorous cleaning process utilizing hospital-grade cleaning products.


CPR Baltimore was founded in early 2010 by Michael Goldberg, a career Firefighter and EMT. While responding to medical emergencies on an ambulance, Michael and his coworkers became very disappointed at the insufficient CPR that was being performed in his community by residents, police officers, and healthcare providers. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Michael became certified by the American Heart Association to teach others how to save a life. Since its inception, CPR Baltimore has certified over 6,000 individuals.

Much like our founder, our staff consists of highly trained individuals who are all professionals in the medical and public service fields for many years. Our staff is all certified by the American Heart Association and perform CPR and First Aid on a regular basis.

We are able to accommodate class sizes from individuals to the largest of groups, at virtually any location. Please feel free to contact us today with any questions you may have, or inquiries about our classes. Together, we can help save nearly 1,000,000 people each year that suffer from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

-The CPR Baltimore Staff